Monday, June 8, 2020

What is CBD oil?
Considered a dietary supplement by its composition and its mode of consumption, huile de CBD is one of the forms in which cannabidiol is offered on the market. It is undoubtedly the simplest to use, and that which is addressed to the greatest number. It is also the one that produces the fastest effects.

CBD oil is produced from the hemp plant (seeds and stems). It is rich in cannabidiol, a molecule that is part of cannabinoids - the active substances in hemp from which cannabis resin is obtained. Cannabinoids are very diverse, there are several hundred. CBD and THC are the best known and most studied.

What are the beneficial effects of CBD oil?
Because serious studies on the subject are still lacking, the answer must remain conditional: cannabidiol could have positive effects on many health problems, reducing anxiety and stress, acting as an anti-inflammatory and significantly improving the quality of sleep. It would reduce the impact of pain in people with chronic conditions (such as irritable bowel or fibromyalgia).

According to the testimonies of consumers themselves, taking cannabidiol products such as CBD oils tends to produce relaxing effects, which explains why these oils are used more and more as dietary supplements . These beneficial effects, if not accepted uniformly, have nevertheless led certain pharmaceutical companies to design and launch CBD-based drugs.

Can CBD oil cure diseases?
Here again, the lack of studies on the question prevents any concrete answer. In addition, the law does not allow cannabidiol to be treated as a medicine: it is, at best, a dietary supplement. What we can say is that CBD, used in addition to a healthy lifestyle (physical activities, reduced fat diet, etc.), can only have positive effects, if not on health, at least on well-being.

Finally, it should not be forgotten that CBD oil is above all a vegetable oil. Like all oils, it drains its share of benefits by providing the body with the elements it needs to function normally, in particular essential fatty acids.

Does CBD oil have any side effects?
To date, no one has reported notable ones. In high doses, CBD oil can limit the production of saliva and cause a feeling of dry mouth, but that's it. However, keep in mind that each organism is different and likely to react in its own way to the consumption of cannabidiol. This is especially the case for people who are more sensitive than the average to the CBD molecule, and who may experience increased drowsiness. It is therefore a question of remaining vigilant, even if these rare side effects do not represent any danger as such.

If you are currently on medication and want to consume CBD oil, or any other form of cannabidiol, for the duration of this treatment, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor first. Although there is no risk to health, CBD can change (even in a minute way) the composition or effectiveness of a drug, and therefore have an impact on the treatment as a whole.

Is the consumption of CBD oil risky?
CBD oil comes from a plant, it is a 100% natural product whose toxicity has not been proven. You could say that cannabidiol has no side effects and that its consumption, even daily, is safe. The only toxic substances that could be found in cannabidiol products are said to come from the mode of production (pesticides and other chemicals), just like fruits and vegetables. It is therefore recommended to choose a CBD oil produced in good conditions, without potentially toxic chemicals. And to favor end products sold by professionals who carefully select their goods and only source from the most virtuous manufacturers.

Does CBD oil have psychoactive effects?
No. The psychoactive effects are reserved for another cannabinoid, probably the best known: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is this molecule which acts on the nervous system and modifies perceptions and behavior. THC should not be confused with CBD, the latter having beneficial effects and may even reduce those of cannabinol. In short, huile de CBD does not "hover", but it helps relieve tension and stress.